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For over 15 years, Marlena Cooper-Jones has had her finger on the pulse of the construction business in Texas.  From Economic Development and New Business to Pre-development and  Property Management, she knows the in's and out's of the system and has developed a knack for pushing projects through the process with ease.


Since she was just a little girl, Marlena has always had a passion for property and cosntruction.  Growing up in rural East Texas, a weekend family pasttime of riding the roads and observing new land development fueled her excitement.  


"We would ride along these roads that used to be nothing and I would always be so interested at how they would tear down all the streets and clear all the land.  Where there were once these little bitty houses, now there was a big mansion!  It was exciting to see something go from being worth so little-- to what was a whole lot of money to me at the time. "


Coming from a farming family, Marlena's interest for helping minority farmers keep and build value into their land was sparked.  She wanted to be a knowledgeable resource to help educate farmers on ways to support their families for generations to come.


That spark fueled her collegiate pathway.  Marlena attended Sam Houston State University, where she received her BA in Mass-Communications from the Dan Rather School of Communications.  She went on to complete her Master's degree in Community and Economic Development from University of Arkansas while working as an infrastructure grant writer for the governor's Economic Development Commission.


Marlena spent the next few years furthering her career in Houston.  As a teacher in an under privileged area, she was face-to-face with the effects of socia-economic values and community development.  She took her new insight and applied it to real estate marketing, putting a new and more personal spin on the home building and buying experience.


Since then, Marlena has helped develop some of the most sought-after construction businesses in the Houston and Greater Houston area.  She has been the cornerstone of project completion for a long list of successful clients, taking a hands-on approach to each task.


Today, Marlena is a hot commodity ammongst the builders, owners, contractors and industry professionalis she serves.  Her outgoing personality--the size of the very state she hails from--and her no-nonsense business savvy makes her an undeniable magnet. However, it is her heart, long-standing, loyal relationships, experience and weath of knowlege has earned her an industry reputation that is matched by none.  

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